Sound healing is an ancient and effective technology which is the way of the future. Various methods used include vocal toning and chanting instruments such as rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and sonic acoustic recordings. These sound modalities are specifically chosen to balance your body.
Sound healing is an ancient and effective technology which is the way of the future. Various methods used include vocal toning and chanting instruments such as rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and sonic acoustic recordings. These sound modalities are specifically chosen to balance your body.
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Meditations are an experience and transmission of energy that will uplift and guide you into a new level of balance and joy. Use them as often as you wish to center yourself before you start the day or at any time that you need rejuvenation and vitality. By releasing stress through breath and meditation we actually can restore ourselves with the benefit equal to a quick afternoon nap. Enjoy!
Below are some free meditations so you can begin your practice. Select a meditation, then just click and play.
New Meditations
New Moon - Year of the Snake
Winter Solstice 2024 Planting Seeds New Reality
Mari Mendoza - Fall Equinox 2024 - Love and Creation Balance
Mari Mendoza - Summer Solstice 2024 Meditation
Spring Equinox Crystalline Dragon Creation Code Meditation with Mari Mendoza
Spring Equinox Meditation 2024 - Crystalline Dragon Creation Codes
January 11, 2024 - Illuminated New Moon Meditation - Empowered!
Fall Equinox 2023 - Perfect Cosmic Balance
Lions Gate Meditation 2023
13 Moon Chamber Meditation 2023
Winter Solstice Meditation 2022
We Are Eternal Cosmic Beings - November 2022
10-10 Stargate Meditation
Divine Mirror Meditation - Sept 10, 2022
August Full Moon Cosmic Codes
Stepping into the Wheel
Divine Remembering Meditation
Color Cleansing Meditation
Harmony & Balance Meditation
Magnified Creation & Ascension Energy Meditation
Lions Gate*Remember*Codes Meditation
Remember Your Self Meditation
Galactic Heart Meditation
Light Explosion Meditation
Crystalline Violet Ray Meditation
Spring Equinox Despacho Ceremony
You Are a Star Being - March 13, 2021
Divine Love
Anchoring a New Vision - Jan 2021
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
A Dream Chamber is an energetic space, container, a portal, that is anchored and holds high frequency crystalline light. It is supported by the many Legions of Light. It assists us to focus our Light and uplift the Crystalline Matrix and strengthen the New Emerging World. It is located in the Quantum field- out of time, place, in between. It is a doorway to other realms, connected and accessible, it allows for creative dreaming. Shamans have been dreaming - visioning - creating with consciousness in the quantum field for eons of time. This is an opportunity to dream awake and apply focus to what you would like to see happen.
Consciousness is expanding, what we focus on, we create.
We can come together and magnify the collective vision to transform our world for the better of all.
Reverence and gratitude for the moment we are in now is so important to pave the way for greater things to unfold.
Enter with the knowing that you are powerful and that anything is possible.
It begins with you! Thank you for contributing your beauty and love.
Let’s begin…
You may start with a moment to center yourself, put everything away and take a few breaths. Release the outer world and bring your focus to your heart, to this moment. You may be in a special place for meditation, perhaps light a candle, put on soft music. You may soften your gaze and look at the photo of the Dream Chamber, let yourself just connect for a moment and then close your eyes and listen to the meditation you feel drawn to experience in this moment. Give yourself time to connect, no need to do it a certain way, just relax and go on a journey. You can connect with it as often as you like. You might journal your experiences or take a bath, perhaps listen before you go to sleep and see what comes in your dreams. Enjoy!
The Lotus of Divine Presence
An energetic alignment to connect with your Greater Self.
Gaze at the image and then breathe, hand to heart.
Move into your center as if you have stepped forward into the Lotus and connect with your True Self,
breathe, gaze at the image for a few moments and notice what you feel.
You are aligned with the Infinite Unified Stream of Crystalline Light.
Open to receive the beauty and revelation that awaits you.
When you are ready, connect the the meditation and enjoy!
A centering practice to help you stabilize and focus on opening your being to receive higher frequencies. When we center our heart we can go forward in our day with the perspective of balance and peace.
Start your day with a chakra balancing meditation.
A powerful practice to help you hold the focus of the Violet Flame in your consciousness. A cleansing balancing practice to help you release blockages and stress. This meditation is very helpful when you are experiencing challenges that distract you from your balance. The Violet Flame is a powerful alchemical transformational energy that cleanses on all levels.