Namaste fellow earth walkers! Wow what an amazing energy May has been already!
We have literally birthed and stepped into a whole New Earth.
May started with a New Moon, a Solar Eclipse and Solar Flare activity.
In a few day's time there will be a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse.
If you are connecting with us, you already know that the energy
is shifting and changing on the planet.
We are in an unprecedented, uplevel of Ascension energies
that are bathing the Earth with Cosmic Light. I always give a reminder, that self-care is really important!
During this time make sure to drink plenty of water,
take care of your body, eat clean food, and get rest.
These energies are challenging as we integrate and download
the cosmic frequencies into our bodies.
It is an exciting time! This is what we came here for!
I have included as Ascension chamber meditation this month to provide support when you need extra focus:
Summon your courage, now is the time!
You have choice! This is not the time to sit back, creation abounds!
Know that you signed up for this.
Deep within, you carry the codes and the instructions to walk through
this moment to assist and help the evolution
and upliftment of the Earth.
This month is a month of choice,
how you choose, and what you choose is important.
Where you are focusing is important !
Contributing new ideas and energies for creating and visioning the New Earth.
Holding a vision and trusting as you walk forward in your life.
Are you recycling and creating the same future based on the past?
What are you creating? Truly, stuck in habit ? Or...
A new vision for your life, outside the old structures and limitations of density?
Creation is expansive! Fear contracts and shuts down your energy.
Now is the time to step out and trust that the universe is supporting everything!
On my next segment,
I will be sharing about Star Consciousness and what that is.
The energy of the Rainbow Bridge, the connection between Heaven and Earth...
Hanaq Pacha and so much more! Tune in and see what unfolds.
Join me Friday, May 13th 2022 - 9am PST on: Oneness Talk Radio(YouTube) /
I am so excited as we move into this full moon eclipse energy.
Something to consider. What blocks your light?
That’s the basic message of an eclipse, knowing that even as something
may cause shadow, the light is ever present within.
You are a magnificent being,
with the knowing, and power, to do this.
Keep going, I am looking forward to connecting soon.
So much is in creation, expanding already, miracle energy showing up every day.
We are getting ready to launch the class
that goes with the Cosmic Wisdom Sacred Earth cards.
Stay tuned, we are still on track creating a class that will go in depth with the cards.
Also, now that things are opening up ,
culminating in a retreat where we can come together,
dance, play, laugh, break bread and have an amazing time of co-creation,
and collaboration as we stabilize in the New Earth.
With much love and affection,
~ Mari