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New Moon - Planting Seeds - March Equinox Retreat

Writer: Mari MendozaMari Mendoza

Planting seeds
Planting seeds

Hello Beautiful Soul, 

Now is the time to anchor in New Creation Codes 

The New Moon coming up on Thursday Feb. 27th is the optimal time

to plant seeds for New Creation as we step into this springtime energy. 

This will move us into the Spring Equinox on March 21 which is a powerful alignment

to create and move forward with how you want to build your life

and what you want to align with.

(stay tuned for a live broadcast of the Spring Equinox Ceremony)

This also begins the Eclipse season and so we are fully underway

in Creation of a New Way of Being.

This allows us to navigate through this moment and hold steady

with a Higher Vision and plant seeds for Renewal and Rebirth

Now is the time to focus on what you want to Create,

to notice what you are in alignment with.

Everything is supporting us as we move through this tremendous evolutionary moment.

Join us as we navigate this moment together by connecting

to the monthly series of 

Remembering Your Multidimensional Self

coming up on Friday, March 28th 8:30am 

And of course, if you're still contemplating joining us

for the Spring Equinox Retreat in Palm Springs there are a few spots left - sign up here:

Please consider giving yourself the opportunity to align in community

with those that are holding a New Vision for the Earth.

The more that we do this together, the more we stabilize this 

New Creation.

And!! This will be a lot of fun!

Step out of the 3-D density and really allow your Joy and Light to come forward!

Just a reminder, there are several ways to get the support you need.

The monthly live stream / transmission that will bring information and support

that you can listen to on replay as well.

I am also available for remote sessions.

Contact me if you need to go deeper or want support, guidance

and healing.

Gift yourself this moment,

And join me on the live stream

As I do the next in the series of 

Remembering Your Multidimensional Self.

Thank you for your Courage, Dedication, and Attention

to the Higher Truth of this moment, and what is being revealed.

The shedding of the Old and a lifting into New Levels of Creation

Let's do this together!

I hold you in this container of Crystalline Diamond Light,

As we tune into this together from wherever you are,

know that you make a difference, helping to stabilize this energy,

I AM sending Love and Focus on this incredible opportunity

of Birthing something New!

Much Love and Peace,

~ Mari


JJoin us for an enlightening live stream event, "Re-Membering Your Multidimensional Self," hosted by Jennifer Smith at Meet the Light Broadcast and Mari Mendoza of Mari Mendoza Healing Arts.! Kicking off this Friday,February 28, at 8:30 AM Pacific, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. 
Come explore with us as we tap in and open to messages that come from Higher Realms of Light . This will be a Monthly Live Stream Series that opens up and explores our Divine Nature as a Cosmic Galactic Being.

Join us Live or visit the Replay 

Whenever you see this, it will always be relevant to the Now Moment.

Mark your calendars and join us for this transformative experience!

Suggested Donation $33 🌟 Thank you! 🌟

And, of course anything that you contribute is greatly appreciated! 

Much love and gratitude. Let’s celebrate this New Reality Emerging and together Hold the Light and Stabilize Love.

Many Blessings and Peace 🌟 Mari

Link to Livestream: Mari Mendoza Healing Arts




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