Powerful LIVE / Replay Transmission!
Here We Are 🌟 Winter Solstice
🌟Completion of a very powerful year! Take the time to do one last review, clear away what is surfacing from the deep unconscious.
🌟 Plant New Seeds to bring New Creation in 2025.
Join us live or visit the replay, whenever you see this, it will always
be relevant to the Now Moment, bring Renewal and Plant Seeds for New Creation.
Suggested Donation $33 🌟 Thank you! 🌟
And, of course anything that you contribute is greatly appreciated!
Much love and gratitude. Let’s celebrate this New Reality Emerging and together Hold the Light and Stabilize Love.
Many Blessings and Peace 🌟 Mari
Link to Livestream: Mari Mendoza Healing Arts
LIVE Friday, December 20, 2024 at 9:00AM PST
Greetings, Star Walkers, Earth Changers,
Spiritual Warriors, Limitless Beings!
It is hard to believe that we are already approaching 2025!
Winter Solstice is one of my favorite times of the year
because of the beautiful constellations in the night sky.
The Winter Solstice is a powerful moment
and a time to reflect and clear away
any remaining shadow and baggage,
in order to plant seeds for a New Creation.
The alignment of Winter Solstice with the Milky Way
is an opportunity, according to the Mayan Elders,
to access the Galactic Core or Heart of the Cosmos.
This allows us to Align with and Receive,
New Cosmic Frequencies from across the Universe.
I see this moment as a completion of quite a powerful year of change!
We have had some major Cosmic Shifts and Timeline Jumps
this year that have landed us on a New Path of Creation.
This past year I have connected on a whole new level,
to that which we call “ the Galactics ”.
In ancient times these were referred to as our Star Relatives,
who were commonly known among Indigenous People
as help and assistance from the Star Realms.
Lately I have shared more and more of my own journey
in connecting to some of the Star Families
who are assisting us here through
this expansionary moment.
The Universe is indeed teaming with life
and there are many Highly Evolved Beings
who are now assisting us
through this Ascension Timeline.
Some of you know that I traveled to Australia
and had an incredibly amazing experience
at the Sacred Gateway of Uluru, Australia,
considered to be the Spiritual Heart of that continent.
The Ancient Stargate of Uluru was seeded
millions of years ago by Ancient Pleiadians
to help and assist the holding
of a specific Frequency on the planet.
Eons ago, as we moved into the experience of Earth,
we went deeper and deeper into Shadow,
into the density of the 3-D world,
and forgot our True Identity.
It was then necessary for this Stargate
to go quiet for a time in order to wait
for the return of the Human Collective
to come into a level of Consciousness
that would be able to receive the Higher Frequencies
coming in.
That time is now!
We are on the return path
to remembering our Cosmic Origins.
This Now Moment of Ascension here on Gaia,
has been talked about by many, as a key turning point
for the Earth.
We were never meant to go this dark.
The transmutation has begun.
Clearing of the old world order, limitations,
and old reality constructs that create poverty,
sickness, and separation are coming to an end!
Many dedicated groups and communities
of Light Workers and Star Seeds are joining together
to assist, support and uplift the New Energies
rising on our beautiful Pachamama.
It is time to raise the vibration of the planet
and that is what we were doing at Uluru.
The Stargate of Uluru in Australia was quite an experience.
I received and experienced Multi Dimensional energies
and anchored in New Layers of Frequencies,
I feel blessed to have received information
as Uluru opened and amplified new Cosmic Codes
through the Solar Gateway.
I received many Visions
as I walked the land and, also in my dreaming.
Happy to say this is now coming through my Art.
The gateway of the Stargate of Uluru
is now pulsing out new High Vibrational Frequencies
to assist and hold the stability of the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
The Ancient Pleiadian Guardians of this Stargate were very present,
along with the Arcturian, Sirian, and Aboriginal Elders.
In fact the Human group that gathered there,
collectively brought all of their Star Lineages with them
to create an Incredible Gathering of Light!
As I have connected with you in this last year
I have shared much about the journey
and have indeed begun to connect to and dive deep
into the Multi Dimensional layers of Energy.
I look forward to sharing about that more,
in the year that is emerging of 2025,
New Creations and Opportunities for Growth
and Learning are being seeded.
We are in the moment of recognizing ourselves
as Divine Limitless Beings.
This is the intention for Winter Solstice!
To seed New Creation,
to plant those seeds for new projects,
things that really get you excited and inspired!
Get radically honest with yourself… what stands in the way?
Where do you hold fear? Are you holding yourself back?
A tall order to be sure.
Will you gather the Courage to
make the Jump to Create something New?
Anything that does not reflect that,
is an opportunity to see where we are focused,
what our belief systems are,
and what we are holding our attention on.
What is reflecting to you is what you believe to be true.
The energy speaks for itself, where are you vibrating?
No matter what is going on, one of my mentors used to say,
needs healing, needs healing, needs healing.
No matter what judgment we have,
time to release judgment on every level.
If it creates polarity or a trigger, time to look at that, or not.
You get what you focus on, what are you giving your attention to?
Separation, fear, density,
or new creation, joy, connection, co-creation?
It is the self reflection and taking responsibility
for what we are creating,
recognizing what we need to release,
is the moment we are in, now.
I hear people say, I am just one person. What can I do?
Think about it, if 8 billion people on the planet
took full responsibility for their own frequency
and how they were vibrating out into the world,
what would change?
Many are looking now, to be shown how..
to let go, release, allow healing, forgiveness,
releasing the past,
holding the highest intention for All.
Healing the Self paves the way
and opens the door for us
to create Heaven on Earth, a Paradise.
This is a Consciousness and Frequency,
a Way of Being that we are All capable of!!!
As we learn through trial and error,
we are learning how to refine and fine-tune our thoughts,
our hearts and minds in order to discover Creation Energy.
It is said that the ego mind , the brain,
is the most difficult place that we are moving through
in order to move into Higher Intelligence.
This has to be combined with a connection to the Heart.
Sami Sonqo, Sami Umi ,a Peruvian expression
for the pathway between
the High Heart and the Higher Mind.
Do you have discipline of your thoughts? How does it feel?
It is a practice all by itself, and then of course,
to have the discipline to be able to tune in
and recognize when you are creating
from a limited fear based place versus
opening into expansion and creation.
There are many simple practices,
gratitude, deep breathing, stillness, and creativity
to name a few, that can help and assist you
to discover what vibration or frequency you are holding.
This is not about judging self,
it is all about healing and
in the moment recognizing what old story you tell yourself.
Time for a New Story… what do you wish to create?
Let’s place the Intention,
to move into a place of creating
from a platform of being
a Divine Limitless Being!
Let's join together and
hold the energy for Creation, Plant New Seeds,
step into the Vibration and tune into
the Galactic Core at the Winter Solstice.
Open to receive the frequencies,
anchor them into your Being
and into your Life.
Move forward, planting the Light
and Anchoring the Light wherever you go.
New Foot Prints creating a New Reality.
this was anchored in Australia.
Join me as we come together to hold
the Circle of Creation.
wherever you are in the World,
collectively as we come together
we Create a Bond and a Link of Light
that stabilizes Us into the New Reality.
I look forward to connecting with all of you.
Many blessings and love